At the root of it... March 03 2020

At the root of it...
It's a decision to put your faith in Jesus Christ,
that He came, died and rose again. 
That's what makes someone a Christian. Not because they have it all together. Or, that they know all the books in the Bible or that they dress up for church on Sunday.
At the root of it...
It's a decision to believe. The wonderful thing about this is, the decision unlocks a host of help to walk through this thing called life. It's not a get out of hardship free card. But, it is a guarantee of an eternity with God. It's a profession of faith that yields an inheritance that is beyond this world! Literally!
At the root of it...
This decision doesn't require perfection or anything close to it. It simply asks for your faith
It doesn't require a magical elimination of questions or doubt. Because trust me, how grand God is, there are going to be questions! There are going to be things that are beyond our comprehension.
But that's why God is God and we are His creation, His workmanship( Ephesians 2:10).
At the root of it...
It's a decision to walk in faith, in one direction. If you veer, God will be right there to get you right back on track. Because the promise to those that believe, NOTHING can separate you from the love of God ( Romans 8:38-39).
At the root of it...
it's a decision. 
"...that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
"Lord, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom. And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise'."
Luke 23:43
"...Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"
Mark 9:24
If you want to make the decision to put your faith in Jesus Christ, I'd love to chat with and pray for you!
Feel free to contact me at